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We are very lucky to have a growing number of volunteers who join us regularly to support our conservation efforts. We host sessions:

  • Weekly, every Monday 9.30am - 12 noon; and

  • By arrangement throughout the year (sign up via our Upcoming Events page).


We end each session with refreshments in our orchard as a thank you. The group is always very welcoming and attendance is completely flexible, with no pressure to join every week.


If you would like to join our regular group, we'll contact you via WhatsApp or email each Sunday to confirm our plans for the following day, based on the weather and the tasks we're hoping to complete. 


Join our weekly sessions by simply getting in touch. 


No expertise or experience required and we do our best to offer a choice of tasks, based on physical ability. Some examples are below. 

Join our Volunteer Team 

Simply send us a message using our contact form if you'd like to join our volunteer group.


If you're unable to join our weekly Monday (9.30-12) sessions, please let us know and we can inform you of other volunteering sessions.


Our weekly volunteers receive invitations every Sunday via WhatsApp - if you're happy to receive these, please provide your mobile number. 


Thank you! 

Thanks for submitting!

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